Impasse; Submission of Claim to Mediation or Binding Arbitration; Costs of Mediator or Arbitrator

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Sec. 12. (a) The parties are considered to be at an impasse if:

(1) the respondent does not request a meeting under section 10 of this chapter;

(2) either party fails to attend a meeting agreed upon under section 11 of this chapter; or

(3) the parties are unable to settle the claim at a meeting held under section 11 of this chapter.

(b) Either party may, not later than ten (10) days after an impasse is reached, request in writing to the other party that the other party submit the claim to mediation or binding arbitration.

(c) The party making the request under subsection (b) is responsible for the costs of the mediator or arbitrator.

As added by P.L.141-2015, SEC.14.

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