Petition; Conviction of Certain Offenses

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Sec. 4. If:

(1) an individual is convicted of the offense of:

(A) murder (IC 35-42-1-1);

(B) causing suicide (IC 35-42-1-2);

(C) voluntary manslaughter (IC 35-42-1-3);

(D) involuntary manslaughter (IC 35-42-1-4);

(E) rape (IC 35-42-4-1);

(F) criminal deviate conduct (IC 35-42-4-2) (repealed);

(G) child molesting (IC 35-42-4-3);

(H) child exploitation (IC 35-42-4-4);

(I) sexual misconduct with a minor (IC 35-42-4-9); or

(J) incest (IC 35-46-1-3); and

(2) the victim of the offense:

(A) was less than sixteen (16) years of age at the time of the offense; and

(B) is:

(i) the individual's biological or adoptive child; or

(ii) the child of a spouse of the individual who has committed the offense;

the attorney for the department, the child's guardian ad litem, or the court appointed special advocate may file a petition with the juvenile or probate court to terminate the parent-child relationship of the individual who has committed the offense with the victim of the offense, the victim's siblings, or any biological or adoptive child of that individual.

[Pre-1997 Recodification Citation: 31-6-5-4.2(a) part.]

As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.18. Amended by P.L.145-2006, SEC.329; P.L.146-2008, SEC.618; P.L.158-2013, SEC.325; P.L.214-2013, SEC.27.

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