Use of Fund Money

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Sec. 13. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), money in the fund may be used for projects that propose to accomplish the following:

(1) The support, development, and operation in local communities of programs that prevent child abuse and neglect.

(2) The development of innovative local programs of education and training concerning child abuse and neglect.

(3) The promotion of public awareness of child abuse and neglect.

(4) Statewide efforts to prevent child abuse and neglect.

(b) Money in the infant mortality account established within the fund under section 14 of this chapter may be used only for projects that:

(1) support, develop, and operate programs that reduce infant mortality in local communities;

(2) develop innovative local programs of education and training concerning infant mortality;

(3) promote public awareness of infant mortality; or

(4) promote statewide efforts to reduce infant mortality.

(c) Money in the fund may not be granted to a state or local unit of government.

(d) The cost of any salary and benefits paid to staff employed under this chapter:

(1) shall be paid from money in the fund; and

(2) may not exceed forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) during any fiscal year.

As added by P.L.145-2006, SEC.272.

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