Certification Requirements

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Sec. 3. Any organization may apply to the department for certification as a youth service bureau. The department shall establish criteria for the certification of an organization as a youth service bureau, which must include the following requirements:

(1) The organization must be registered with the secretary of state as a nonprofit corporation or must be an agency of a local governmental unit.

(2) The organization must develop and operate direct and indirect service programs designed to do the following:

(A) Support, represent, and protect the rights of young people.

(B) Prevent adolescent misbehavior and divert young people from the justice system.

(C) Maintain a referral system with other service agencies that might benefit young people.

(D) Inform and educate citizens about the functions and services available through the organization and serve as a link between the needs of youth and the community.

As added by P.L.145-2006, SEC.272.

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