Confidentiality of Adoption Papers, Records, and Information; Disclosure Procedures

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Sec. 4. All papers, records, and information pertaining to the adoption, whether part of:

(1) the permanent record of the court; or

(2) a file in:

(A) the division of vital records;

(B) the department or local office;

(C) a licensed child placing agency; or

(D) a professional health care provider (as defined in IC 34-6-2-117);

are confidential and may be disclosed only in accordance with IC 31-19-17, this chapter, or IC 31-19-20 through IC 31-19-25.5.

[Pre-1997 Recodification Citation: 31-3-4-25.]

As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.11. Amended by P.L.1-1998, SEC.159; P.L.100-2005, SEC.7; P.L.145-2006, SEC.255; P.L.191-2011, SEC.21; P.L.128-2012, SEC.64.

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