Agency Files and Records

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Sec. 2. (a) All files and records pertaining to the adoption proceedings in:

(1) the local office;

(2) the department; or

(3) any of the licensed child placing agencies;

are confidential and open to inspection only as provided in IC 31-19-13-2(2), IC 31-19-17, this chapter, or IC 31-19-20 through IC 31-19-25.5.

(b) The files and records described in subsection (a), including investigation records under IC 31-19-8-5 (or IC 31-3-1-4 before its repeal):

(1) are open to the inspection of the court hearing the petition for adoption; and

(2) on order of the court, may be:

(A) introduced into evidence; and

(B) made a part of the record;

in the adoption proceeding.

[Pre-1997 Recodification Citation: 31-3-1-5.]

As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.11. Amended by P.L.197-1997, SEC.25; P.L.100-2005, SEC.6; P.L.145-2006, SEC.254; P.L.191-2011, SEC.20; P.L.128-2012, SEC.63.

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