Court Files and Records

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Sec. 1. (a) The following items are confidential:

(1) A petition for adoption.

(2) Reports of the investigation made under IC 31-19-8-5 (or IC 31-3-1-4 before its repeal).

(3) All other papers filed in connection with a petition for adoption.

(4) The record of evidence of the hearing.

(5) The decree made and entered by the court, including decrees in foreign adoptions filed under IC 31-19-28 (or IC 31-3-1-10 before its repeal).

(b) The files and records of the court pertaining to the adoption proceedings:

(1) shall be kept in the custody of the clerk of the court; and

(2) are not open to inspection, except as provided in IC 31-19-13-2(2).

[Pre-1997 Recodification Citation: 31-3-1-5.]

As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.11.

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