Storing and Maintaining Adoption Records or Other Adoption Information

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Sec. 0.5. (a) This section does not apply to a confidential intermediary appointed under IC 31-19-24.

(b) Except as provided in subsection (c) or (d), a person that is required to store, maintain, or release adoption records or other adoption information under IC 31-19-12-5, IC 31-19-17, IC 31-19-18, this chapter, or IC 31-19-20 through IC 31-19-25.5 shall store and maintain the adoption records or other adoption information for at least ninety-nine (99) years after the date the adoption was filed. Unless otherwise provided by law, the adoption records or other adoption information may be stored and maintained in an electronic or other format, including microfiche, microfilm, or a digital format.

(c) A person who transfers adoption records or other adoption information to the state registrar or a transferee agency in accordance with IC 31-19-12-5 is not required to comply with the storage or maintenance requirements of subsection (b).

(d) A person, including a court, who obtains custody of or jurisdiction over adoption records or other adoption information following the dissolution, sale, transfer, closure, relocation, or death of a person shall transfer the records or other information to the state registrar or a transferee agency in accordance with IC 31-19-12-5, unless the person wishes to store and maintain the records in accordance with subsection (b).

As added by P.L.42-2009, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.191-2011, SEC.19.

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