Foreign Marriage Solemnized Between Indiana Residents to Evade Indiana Law

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Sec. 6. A marriage is void if the parties to the marriage:

(1) are residents of Indiana;

(2) had their marriage solemnized in another state with the intent to:

(A) evade IC 31-11-1-4, IC 31-11-4-4, or IC 31-11-4-11 (or IC 31-7-3-3 or IC 31-7-3-10 before their repeal); and

(B) subsequently return to Indiana and reside in Indiana; and

(3) without having established residence in another state in good faith, return to Indiana and reside in Indiana after the marriage is solemnized.

[Pre-1997 Recodification Citation: 31-7-6-6.]

As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.94-2020, SEC.10.

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