Sec. 4. (a) A principal may nominate a guardian for consideration by the court if protective proceedings for the principal's person or estate are commenced. The court shall make an appointment in accordance with the principal's most recent nomination in a power of attorney except for good cause or disqualification.
(b) A parent of a minor or a de facto custodian of a minor may nominate a guardian of the minor for consideration by the court if protective proceedings for the minor's person or estate are commenced. The court shall consider a nomination in a power of attorney.
(c) A parent of an incapacitated person may nominate a guardian of the incapacitated person for consideration by the court if protective proceedings for the incapacitated person's person or estate are commenced. The court shall consider a nomination in a power of attorney.
(d) A guardian does not have power, duty, or liability with respect to property or personal health care decisions that are subject to a valid power of attorney. A guardian has no power to revoke or amend a valid power of attorney unless specifically directed to revoke or amend the power of attorney by a court order on behalf of the principal. A court may not enter an order to revoke or amend a power of attorney without a hearing. Notice of a hearing held under this section shall be given to the attorney in fact.
As added by P.L.149-1991, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.194-2017, SEC.13.