Limits on Creditors of Beneficiaries Who May Replace or Remove a Trustee or Who Are Also Trustees or Co-Trustees

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Sec. 17. (a) A creditor may not reach, exercise, or otherwise acquire an interest of a beneficiary or any other person who holds an unconditional or conditional removal or replacement power over a trustee. A power described in this subsection is personal to a beneficiary or other person and may not be exercised by the person's creditors. A court may not direct a person to exercise the power.

(b) A creditor may not:

(1) reach an interest of a beneficiary who is also a trustee or co-trustee; or

(2) otherwise compel a distribution to a beneficiary who is also a trustee or co-trustee.

(c) A court may not foreclose against an interest held by a beneficiary described in subsection (b).

As added by P.L.6-2010, SEC.17.

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