Certification of Candidates Nominated at State Convention

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Sec. 8. (a) This section applies to a state convention conducted by a political party described by IC 3-8-4-1.

(b) The state chairman and state secretary of the political party holding the state convention shall certify each candidate nominated at the convention to the secretary of state not later than noon July 15 before the general election.

(c) The certificate must be in writing and state the following:

(1) The name of each candidate nominated as:

(A) the candidate wants the candidate's name to appear on the ballot; and

(B) the candidate's name is permitted to appear on the ballot under IC 3-5-7.

(2) Each candidate's residence address.

(3) Whether each candidate nominated by the convention has complied with IC 3-9-1-5 by filing a campaign finance statement of organization.

(4) The following statements:

(A) A statement that the candidate has attached either of the following to the certificate:

(i) A copy of a statement of economic interests, file stamped by the office required to receive the statement of economic interests.

(ii) A receipt, photocopy of a receipt, or electronic mail from the office of the inspector general or judicial qualifications commission, showing that a statement of economic interests has been filed.

This requirement does not apply to a candidate for a federal office.

(B) A statement that the candidate understands that if the candidate is elected to the office, the candidate may be required to obtain and file an individual surety bond before serving in the office. This requirement does not apply to a candidate for a federal office or legislative office.

(C) A statement that the candidate understands that if the candidate is elected to the office, the candidate may be required to successfully complete training or have attained certification related to service in an elected office. This requirement does not apply to a candidate for a federal office, state office, or legislative office.

(D) A statement that the candidate:

(i) is aware of the provisions of IC 3-9 regarding campaign finance and the reporting of campaign contributions and expenditures; and

(ii) agrees to comply with the provisions of IC 3-9.

This requirement does not apply to a candidate for a federal office.

The candidate must separately initial each of the statements required by this subdivision.

(d) The election division shall prescribe the form of the certificate of nomination for the offices. The election division shall provide that the form of the certificate of nomination include the following information:

(1) The dates for filing campaign finance reports under IC 3-9.

(2) The penalties for late filing of campaign finance reports under IC 3-9.

(e) A certificate of nomination must include a statement that the candidate requests the name on the candidate's voter registration record be the same as the name the candidate uses on the certificate of nomination. If there is a difference between the name on the candidate's certificate of nomination and the name on the candidate's voter registration record, the officer with whom the certificate of nomination is filed shall forward the information to the voter registration officer of the appropriate county as required by IC 3-5-7-6(e). The voter registration officer of the appropriate county shall change the name on the candidate's voter registration record to be the same as the name on the candidate's certificate of nomination.

(f) The certificate of nomination must be signed by the state chairman and state secretary of the political party holding the convention, and set forth the name and residence of the chairman and secretary. The chairman and secretary shall acknowledge the certificate before an individual authorized to administer oaths under IC 33-42-9. The signed acknowledgment must be included in the certificate of nomination executed under this section.

[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-10-3 part.]

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.4. Amended by P.L.3-1987, SEC.125; P.L.3-1995, SEC.61; P.L.3-1997, SEC.154; P.L.202-1999, SEC.10; P.L.260-2001, SEC.3; P.L.76-2014, SEC.21; P.L.76-2014, SEC.22; P.L.169-2015, SEC.64; P.L.128-2017, SEC.3; P.L.278-2019, SEC.30.

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