Removal of Name if Disfranchisement Due to Felony Conviction

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Sec. 3. (a) This section applies to a person convicted of a felony in a district court of the United States.

(b) As required by 52 U.S.C. 20507(g)(5), the NVRA official shall notify the county voter registration office of the county in Indiana in which the person resides of the information provided by the United States attorney under 52 U.S.C. 20507(g)(2), 52 U.S.C. 20507(g)(3), and 52 U.S.C. 20507(g)(4).

(c) If the information provided under subsection (b) indicates that the person is disfranchised under section 2 of this chapter, the county voter registration office shall remove the name of the person from the voter registration records on an expedited basis as required by 52 U.S.C. 21083.

As added by P.L.12-1995, SEC.56. Amended by P.L.2-1996, SEC.77; P.L.209-2003, SEC.85; P.L.128-2015, SEC.141.

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