Receipt of Information From Out-of-State Correctional Department Regarding Imprisonment of Indiana Resident; Notification of Resident's County of Residence

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Sec. 3.5. (a) As used in this section, "correctional department" refers to an agency of the government of a state other than Indiana that has responsibility for the imprisonment of individuals who have been convicted of a crime.

(b) If the NVRA official receives information from a correctional department that an Indiana resident is currently imprisoned by the correctional department for conviction of a crime, the NVRA official shall notify the county voter registration office of the Indiana county in which the imprisoned individual is a resident of the information.

(c) If the information provided under subsection (b) indicates that the imprisoned individual is disfranchised under section 2 of this chapter, the county voter registration officer shall:

(1) remove the name of the individual from the voter registration records; and

(2) enter the date and other information regarding the cancellation into the computerized list under IC 3-7-26.3 on an expedited basis.

As added by P.L.193-2021, SEC.15.

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