Coordination of Statewide Voter Registration List With State Department of Health to Remove Names of Deceased Voters; Cancellation of Voter Registration of Deceased Voters

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Sec. 2.1. (a) As required under 52 U.S.C. 21083, the election division shall coordinate the computerized list generated by the statewide voter registration system under IC 3-7-26.3 with the state department of health to permit a county voter registration office to cancel the registration records of deceased individuals on an expedited basis.

(b) The state department of health shall report to the election division, by county, the names, ages, and known residence addresses of all persons who:

(1) died within Indiana but outside the county of residence; and

(2) maintained a residence address within the county during the two (2) years preceding the date of death.

(c) Each county health officer and municipal health officer shall report to the state department of health the names, ages, and known voting addresses in the county of all persons:

(1) who have died within the jurisdiction of the officer; or

(2) for whom burial permits have been issued by the officer.

The state department of health shall report this information to the election division.

(d) The state department of health shall report to the election division, by county, the names, ages, and known residence addresses of all persons:

(1) who died outside Indiana;

(2) who maintained a residence address within the county during the two (2) years preceding the date of death; and

(3) whose names were supplied to the state department of health under an agreement made under section 5 of this chapter.

(e) The county voter registration office shall request a copy of the death records filed quarterly by the local health department with the county auditor under IC 16-37-3-9(d). If a voter is identified as deceased in the death records, the county voter registration office shall cancel the voter registration record of that individual in conformity with section 3 of this chapter.

As added by P.L.209-2003, SEC.77. Amended by P.L.164-2006, SEC.45; P.L.64-2014, SEC.30; P.L.128-2015, SEC.136; P.L.138-2019, SEC.1.

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