Electronic Poll Books; Requirements for Use; Electronic Signatures; Download of Information

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Sec. 6. (a) A county election board may adopt an order to provide an electronic poll book to the inspector for use at the following:

(1) Polling places, an office of the circuit court clerk (under IC 3-11-10-26), at satellite offices established under IC 3-11-10-26.3, and vote centers established under IC 3-11-18.1-4. Electronic poll books shall be used at an election (rather than certified poll lists prepared under this chapter) in all locations in which the election is to be conducted.

(2) Only at an office of the circuit court clerk (under IC 3-11-10-26) and satellite offices established under IC 3-11-10-26.3.

(b) An order adopted under subsection (a) must require the use of an electronic signature (as defined in IC 26-2-8-102) to sign an electronic poll book at an election (rather than requiring voters to sign certified poll lists prepared under this chapter) at each location that an electronic poll book is used.

(c) The county voter registration office shall download the information required to be available on an electronic poll book before the electronic poll list is delivered and installed as required by IC 3-11-3-11(b).

(d) An electronic poll book used under an order adopted under subsection (a) must:

(1) comply with IC 3-11-8-10.3; and

(2) be approved by the secretary of state in accordance with the procedures set forth in IC 3-11-18.1-12.

As added by P.L.271-2013, SEC.6. Amended by P.L.258-2013, SEC.48; P.L.64-2014, SEC.13; P.L.169-2015, SEC.34.

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