Receipt of Vote History and Other Information From Electronic Pollbooks; Downloading Images Onto Electronic Pollbooks; Other Capabilities

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Sec. 33. (a) The computerized list must have the capacity to receive vote history and other information from an electronic poll book certified by the secretary of state under IC 3-11-18.1-12. This information must be able to be uploaded into the computerized list on each day after absentee voting concludes in the circuit court clerk's office, a satellite office, or a vote center, and after election day.

(b) The computerized list must have the capacity to transmit electronic images of the signature of a voter taken from:

(1) the voter's registration application; or

(2) a more recent signature of a voter from an absentee application, poll list electronic poll book, or registration document;

if available, to be downloaded in connection with a voter's record on any electronic poll book certified by the secretary of state under IC 3-11-18.1-12.

(c) The computerized list must have the capacity to receive the uploading of voter registration signatures from electronic poll books and assign each signature to the record of the corresponding voter.

As added by P.L.258-2013, SEC.37. Amended by P.L.169-2015, SEC.27.

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