Required List Voter Registration Management Features; Restriction of Access to Certain Information

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Sec. 29. (a) The computerized list must include voter registration management features that do the following:

(1) Automatically assign voter identification numbers in accordance with this title.

(2) Calculate the number of registered voters by precinct or any election district.

(3) Permit expedited web based inquiries concerning polling place locations.

(4) Track and report all voter list maintenance transactions performed within the system.

(5) Permit tracking regarding the political party ballot requested by voters voting in a primary.

(6) Generate a variety of reports on paper or disc format, such as walking lists, call lists, lists of voters by precinct, lists of voters by name, date of birth, or date of registration, and lists of voters by other household data.

(7) Identify voters who are currently less than eighteen (18) years of age.

(8) Permit electronic processing of voter registration information received as files from other state and federal agencies.

(9) Provide flexible query functions for management and statistical reports, including the ability of the secretary of state or a co-director of the election division to view individual voter registration records.

(10) Contain full audit controls and management reports to track and manage the work of county voter registration office employees, including the ability of the secretary of state or the co-directors of the election division to determine whether a county voter registration office is performing voter list maintenance functions in the manner required by IC 3-7.

(b) The reports and lists generated under subsection (a)(6) and (a)(7) may not contain any information described by IC 3-7-26.4-8(c), except when provided to a person who:

(1) is entitled to a complete compilation of the voter registration information; and

(2) has paid the annual fee required under IC 3-7-26.4 for the current calendar year.

As added by P.L.14-2004, SEC.36. Amended by P.L.258-2013, SEC.36.

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