List Requirement; Absentee Ballot Management Features; Format of List

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Sec. 23. (a) The computerized list must include absentee ballot management features that do the following:

(1) Manage absentee ballots based on the type, eligibility, and status of the absentee voter.

(2) Permit the printing of absentee labels by group or date, or by individual for use by a voter voting in person at the county election board office.

(3) Permit the documentation of the date on which each absentee ballot is issued and returned.

(4) Permit the printing of absentee ballot applications with voter registration information for the absentee ballot applicant.

(b) The computerized list:

(1) must require that a report containing information concerning absentee applications and voting by specified individuals be generated in CSV format with dashes; and

(2) may provide for reports described in subdivision (1) to be generated in other formats.

As added by P.L.14-2004, SEC.30. Amended by P.L.278-2019, SEC.12.

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