Security of List; Multi-Factor Authentication; County Point of Contact for Cybersecurity Issues

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Sec. 15. (a) As required under 52 U.S.C. 21083, the election division and each county voter registration office shall provide adequate technological security measures to prevent unauthorized access to the computerized list.

(b) The computerized list must employ two-factor authentication methods to restrict access to the computerized list.

(c) A person may not access the computerized list without using a multi-factor authentication method approved by the secretary of state and the co-directors of the election division.

(d) The county voter registration officer shall file a statement with the election division setting forth the name and contact information of at least one (1) individual who is to serve as a point of contact for the state to communicate with the county regarding cybersecurity issues.

As added by P.L.209-2003, SEC.35. Amended by P.L.128-2015, SEC.98; P.L.157-2019, SEC.4.

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