Orders Abolishing Board of Registration Established by Law; Effective Date of Order

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Sec. 5.5. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), this section applies to a county in which a board of registration was established by IC 3-7-12-3 (before its repeal).

(b) This section does not apply to any of the following:

(1) A county in which a board of elections and registration is established.

(2) A county containing a consolidated city.

(c) A county executive may adopt an order by the unanimous vote of the entire membership of the county executive to:

(1) abolish the board of registration; and

(2) designate the circuit court clerk as the voter registration officer of the county to supervise the registration of voters of the county.

(d) An order adopted under subsection (c) during the final sixty (60) days before an election becomes effective on the day following the election.

As added by P.L.225-2011, SEC.12. Amended by P.L.170-2019, SEC.9.

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