Entitlement to Appoint Watcher

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Sec. 1. (a) The state chairman and county chairman of each bona fide political party or an independent candidate for a federal or a state office are entitled to appoint watchers at each precinct in which the political party or independent candidate is on the ballot.

(b) This subsection applies to a public question that is submitted to the electorate. A county election board may appoint watchers if a petition requesting the appointment is filed with the board. The petition must be signed by:

(1) the chairman of a political action committee organized under IC 3-9 to support or oppose the approval of the public question; and

(2) at least the number of voters equal to two percent (2%) of the votes cast in the last election for secretary of state in the county.

(c) Except as provided in subsections (d), (e), and (f), at any time during election day, each political action committee, each political party, or an independent candidate for a federal or a state office may have only one (1) watcher present at each precinct's polls.

(d) If both the state chairman and the county chairman of a political party have appointed watchers within the county, the political party may have two (2) watchers present at the polls of each precinct of the county or at each electronic poll book station at any time during election day.

(e) If more than one (1) precinct votes at the same polling place, the number of watchers of each political party, an independent candidate for federal or state office, or each political action committee described in subsection (b) entitled to be present at the polling place equals the number of precincts voting at the polling place.

(f) In a county designated as a vote center county under IC 3-11-18.1, the number of watchers of each political party, an independent candidate for federal or state office, or each political action committee described in subsection (b) entitled to be present at the vote center is one (1) watcher for:

(1) each electronic poll book station present at the vote center; or

(2) the number of electronic poll book stations specified in the county vote center plan for the vote center;

whichever is greater.

[Pre-1986 Recodification Citations: 3-1-6-1 part; 3-1-6-2(b) part.]

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.5-1989, SEC.12; P.L.3-1993, SEC.24; P.L.3-1995, SEC.20; P.L.194-2013, SEC.7; P.L.74-2017, SEC.11.

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