Inspectors; Shared Location

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Sec. 38.5. (a) As used in this section, "shared location" refers to a location in which more than one (1) precinct votes at the same polling place.

(b) Notwithstanding other provisions of this title, a county election board may adopt a resolution to provide that the same individual serves as the inspector for more than one (1) precinct at a shared location.

(c) A resolution adopted under this section must identify the precincts to which the resolution applies. A resolution adopted under this section may provide that an individual serves as inspector for some, but not all, precincts at the shared location.

(d) A resolution adopted under this section may provide the following:

(1) That other precinct election officers may assist or perform duties of an inspector of the precincts at the shared location as described in the resolution.

(2) Other details of the operation of the shared location under a single inspector that the county election board considers useful.

(e) An individual who serves as an inspector for more than one (1) precinct under this section is required to take only one (1) oath under section 19 of this chapter.

(f) The county executive may provide that the per diem paid to an inspector who serves under this section is greater than the per diem paid to an inspector for a single precinct.

(g) A resolution adopted under this section must be adopted by unanimous vote of the entire membership of the board.

(h) A resolution adopted under this section expires December 31 after the resolution is adopted.

As added by P.L.129-2015, SEC.1.

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