Status of Appointment of Precinct Election Officer; Expiration of Appointment; May Not Serve as Challenger, Pollbook Holder, or Watcher; Not Lucrative Office

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Sec. 37. (a) When the county election board (or a precinct election board acting on behalf of the county election board) appoints a precinct election officer and the individual accepts the appointment by swearing the oath of office required under this chapter, a contract is created between the county election board and the individual in which the county election board retains the services of the precinct election officer as an independent contractor.

(b) The appointment of a precinct election officer expires when the county election board completes the canvass of the precinct under IC 3-12-4.

(c) A precinct election officer is not entitled to receive credentials as a challenger, pollbook holder, or watcher. Except as provided in IC 3-11-8-10.5, which permits a poll clerk to maintain a list of voters to make available to a watcher or pollbook holder, or under any provision of IC 3-11-8 that permits a precinct election officer to challenge a voter as part of the official duties of the precinct election officer, a precinct election officer while serving as a precinct election officer may not perform the functions of a challenger, pollbook holder, or watcher.

(d) For purposes of Article 2, Section 9 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana, the position of precinct election officer is not a lucrative office.

As added by P.L.3-1995, SEC.18. Amended by P.L.230-2005, SEC.14; P.L.169-2015, SEC.10.

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