Precinct Election Board; Members; Appointment; Chairman

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Sec. 1. (a) Except as otherwise provided by law, each county election board shall appoint a precinct election board for each precinct in the county.

(b) A precinct election board consists of the following:

(1) One (1) inspector.

(2) Two (2) judges.

(c) Each county chairman of a major political party of the county is entitled to nominate one (1) judge under section 9 of this chapter.

(d) Each inspector and judge must be a voter of the county.

(e) The inspector serves as the chairman of the precinct election board.

[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-5-1(a).]

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.176-1999, SEC.10.

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