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Sec. 3. As used in this chapter, "relative" of an individual refers to any of the following:

(1) The individual's spouse.

(2) A parent of the individual or a parent of the individual's spouse.

(3) A child of the individual or a child of the individual's spouse.

(4) A sibling of the individual or a sibling of the individual's spouse.

(5) An aunt or an uncle of the individual or an aunt or an uncle of the individual's spouse.

(6) A niece or nephew of the individual or a niece or nephew of the individual's spouse.

(7) A grandparent of the individual or a grandparent of the individual's spouse.

(8) A grandchild of the individual or a grandchild of the individual's spouse.

As added by P.L.170-2019, SEC.5.

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