Report Concerning Absentee Ballots From Overseas and Uniformed Services Voters

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Sec. 17.5. (a) As required by 52 U.S.C. 20302(c), each county election board shall submit a report to the election division after each general election setting forth the combined number of absentee ballots:

(1) transmitted by the county election board to absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters for the election; and

(2) returned by absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters and cast in the election.

(b) The report must be:

(1) transmitted to the election division using the computerized list under IC 3-7-26.3 not later than fourteen (14) days after the election; and

(2) in the form prescribed by the federal Election Assistance Commission under Section 703(b) of HAVA (52 U.S.C. 20302 (note)).

As added by P.L.209-2003, SEC.15. Amended by P.L.128-2015, SEC.25; P.L.193-2021, SEC.8.

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