County Election Officials Instructional Meeting; Contents; Compensation and Expenses

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Sec. 14. (a) Each year in which a general or municipal election is held, the election division shall call a meeting of all the members of the county election boards, the boards of registration (subject to IC 3-7-12), and the boards of elections and registration (as defined in IC 3-5-2-5.3) to instruct them regarding all of the following:

(1) Their duties under this title and federal law (including HAVA and NVRA).

(2) Requirements and best practices concerning cybersecurity for the computerized list, voting systems, and electronic poll books.

(3) Physical security for all aspects of the election process, including voting systems, electronic poll books, absentee voting, and polling places.

(4) Requirements and best practices to ensure that voting systems, precinct polling places, and vote centers are accessible to voters with disabilities.

(5) Best practices in answering voters' questions on how to vote, including providing instructions to voters on straight ticket voting.

(b) The election division may, but is not required to, call a meeting under this section during a year in which a general or a municipal election is not held.

(c) Each circuit court clerk, each member of a board of registration established under IC 3-7-12, and each member of a board of elections and registration shall attend a meeting called by the election division under this section. A circuit court clerk, member of a board of registration, or member of a board of elections and registration may require the attendance of the following:

(1) Each of the circuit court clerk's, board of registration member's, or board of elections and registration member's appointed and acting chief deputies or chief assistants with election related responsibilities.

(2) If the number of deputies or assistants:

(A) is not more than three (3), one (1) of the clerk's or member's appointed and acting deputies or assistants; or

(B) is greater than three (3), two (2) of the clerk's or member's appointed and acting deputies or assistants.

(d) The election division shall set the time and place of the instructional meeting. In years in which a primary election is held, the election division:

(1) may conduct the meeting before the first day of the year; and

(2) shall conduct the meeting before primary election day.

The instructional meeting may not last for more than two (2) days.

(e) Each individual required to attend the meeting under subsection (c) and an individual who has been elected or selected to serve as circuit court clerk but has not yet begun serving in that office is entitled to receive all of the following from the county general fund without appropriation:

(1) A per diem of twenty-four dollars ($24) for attending the instructional meeting called by the election division under this section.

(2) A mileage allowance at the state rate for the distance necessarily traveled in going and returning from the place of the instructional meeting called by the election division under this section.

(3) Reimbursement for the payment of the instructional meeting registration fee.

(4) An allowance for lodging for each night preceding conference attendance equal to the lodging allowance provided to state employees in travel status.

As added by P.L.3-1997, SEC.33. Amended by P.L.38-1999, SEC.5; P.L.26-2000, SEC.2; P.L.209-2003, SEC.12; P.L.120-2009, SEC.2; P.L.278-2019, SEC.7; P.L.141-2020, SEC.3.

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