Use of Universally Recognized Pronunciation Symbols in Candidate Names; Exceptions

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Sec. 5.5. (a) This section does not apply to any of the following:

(1) A voter verifiable paper audit trail.

(2) The return printed by the automatic tabulating machine under IC 3-12-3-2.

(3) The paper vote total printouts from the electronic voting system under IC 3-12-3.5-2.

(4) The name of a candidate printed on a ballot card by a marking device.

(b) The requirements of this section apply only to a voting system initially certified for marketing and use in Indiana elections after January 1, 2022.

(c) If a candidate's legal name designated under this chapter includes a universally recognized pronunciation symbol, including an accent, hyphen, tilde, or umlaut, a:

(1) ballot;

(2) voting system screen;

(3) voting system activation card;

(4) voting system file; and

(5) voting system results report;

must display the symbol as part of the candidate's name.

As added by P.L.193-2021, SEC.6.

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