Seventh Congressional District

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Sec. 7. The Seventh Congressional District consists of the following:

Marion County TOWNSHIPS:

Center Township, Lawrence Township, Pike Township, Warren Township, Washington Township, Wayne Township

Marion County CENSUS BLOCKS:

180973804033006, 180973804033007, 180973804034000, 180973804034001, 180973804042000, 180973804042001, 180973804042002, 180973804042003, 180973804042004, 180973804042005, 180973804042006, 180973804042007, 180973804042008, 180973804042009, 180973804043000, 180973804043001, 180973804043002, 180973804043003, 180973804043004, 180973804043005, 180973804043006, 180973804043008

As added by P.L.221-2021, SEC.25.

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