Defacing, Falsifying, or Destroying Declarations, Requests, Petitions, or Certificates

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Sec. 1. A person who knowingly:

(1) falsely makes or fraudulently defaces or destroys a declaration of candidacy, request for ballot placement under IC 3-8-3, certificate or petition of nomination, recount petition or cross-petition, contest petition, or certificate of candidate selection, or a part of the declaration, request, petition, or certificate;

(2) files a declaration of candidacy, request for ballot placement under IC 3-8-3, certificate or petition of nomination, recount petition or cross-petition, contest petition, or certificate of candidate selection, knowing any part thereof to be falsely made;

(3) refuses to execute a certificate of nomination or candidate selection when required by this title to do so and knowing that the candidate has been nominated or selected;

(4) if the document is listed in subdivision (1), refuses to:

(A) receive the document; or

(B) record the date and time the document was received;

when presented in accordance with this title; or

(5) suppresses a declaration of candidacy, request for ballot placement under IC 3-8-3, petition or certificate of nomination, recount petition or cross-petition, contest petition, or certificate of candidate selection, that has been duly filed, or any part of the declaration, request, petition, or certificate;

commits a Class A misdemeanor.

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.10. Amended by P.L.10-1988, SEC.204; P.L.158-2013, SEC.4; P.L.234-2017, SEC.1.

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