Office of Town Council Member When More Than 50% of Seats Are Vacant

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Sec. 4.5. (a) This section applies to a vacancy in the town council to be filled under section 4 of this chapter when more than fifty percent (50%) of the seats on the town council are vacant.

(b) The remaining member or a majority of the remaining members of the town council shall fill the vacancies under this chapter as the first item of business at a meeting of the town council even though a quorum would not then exist to conduct other town council business.

(c) If there are no remaining members of the town council in office or a tie vote occurs among the remaining members under subsection (b), the vacancies shall be filled by the town clerk-treasurer.

(d) If there are no remaining members of the town council and no clerk-treasurer in office, the vacancies in the office of clerk-treasurer and town council shall be filled by the county chairman of the major political party of the state whose candidate for secretary of state received the most votes in the last election for that office in the precincts in which the town is wholly or partially located.

As added by P.L.3-1995, SEC.132.

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