Vacancy in Political Subdivision Nonpartisan Elected Office Other Than School Board

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Sec. 2.5. (a) This section does not apply to a school board office.

(b) This section applies to a vacancy in an elected office in a political subdivision:

(1) in which each candidate is required by statute to be placed on the ballot as a nonpartisan candidate for the office; and

(2) for which this article does not otherwise provide a method for filling.

(c) The vacancy shall be filled as follows:

(1) The remaining members of the body shall fill the vacancy by a majority of the votes of the remaining members of the body.

(2) If there are no remaining members of the body, the county executive of the county containing the greatest percentage of the population of the political subdivision shall fill the vacancy in the manner provided by section 2 of this chapter.

As added by P.L.14-2004, SEC.169.

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