Receiving Certificate of Candidate Selection Not Permitted if Certain Deadlines Not Met

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Sec. 21. (a) This section applies to a certificate of candidate selection filed under section 15 or 20 of this chapter.

(b) To enforce the requirements of IC 3-5-4-1.9, the election division, a circuit court clerk, or any other official responsible for receiving a certificate of candidate selection may not receive a filing of a certificate of candidate selection if:

(1) a notice of a caucus or meeting;

(2) a notice of intent to fill a vacancy under section 20 of this chapter;

(3) a declaration of candidacy filed by the individual selected as the candidate; or

(4) the certificate of candidate selection;

is or was offered to be filed after the deadline for the filing provided by this chapter or was not offered for filing at or before the deadline for the filing provided by this chapter.

As added by P.L.124-2012, SEC.8. Amended by P.L.216-2015, SEC.32; P.L.74-2017, SEC.65.

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