Vacancy Existing Following Convention of Certain Minor Parties

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Sec. 20. (a) This section applies to a political party subject to IC 3-8-4-10, IC 3-10-2-15, or IC 3-10-6-12.

(b) A candidate vacancy that exists following the convention of the party shall be filled by the state committee of the political party not later than the date and time specified by section 7(a)(1) of this chapter for a major political party to fill a candidate vacancy. The chairman of the state committee shall file a notice of intent to fill the candidate vacancy with the official who is required to receive a certificate of candidate selection under section 15 of this chapter. The notice must be filed not later than ten (10) days before the chairman fills the candidate vacancy. The chairman of the state committee shall act in accordance with section 15 of this chapter to certify the candidate selected to fill the vacancy.

(c) This subsection applies to a candidate vacancy resulting from a vacancy on the general election ballot resulting from the failure of the convention to nominate a candidate for an office. The certificate required by subsection (b) shall be filed not later than the date and time specified by section 15(c) of this chapter for a major political party to file a certificate of candidate selection.

(d) This subsection applies to all candidate vacancies not described by subsection (c). If a candidate vacancy occurs as a result of:

(1) the death of a candidate;

(2) the withdrawal of a candidate;

(3) the disqualification of a candidate under IC 3-8-1-5; or

(4) a court order issued under IC 3-8-7-29(d);

the political party may fill the vacancy within the same period of time that a major political party is permitted to fill a candidate vacancy under section 7(b) of this chapter.

(e) The certificate required by subsection (b) shall be filed within the period of time required under section 15(d) of this chapter for a major political party to file the certificate after selection of the candidates.

As added by P.L.3-1997, SEC.388. Amended by P.L.2-1998, SEC.8; P.L.260-2001, SEC.9; P.L.66-2003, SEC.49; P.L.230-2005, SEC.64.

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