Recount; Place; Expeditious Completion; Watchers; Representatives; News Media; Powers and Duties of State Recount Commission

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Sec. 21. (a) After a recount is ordered under section 14 of this chapter, the recount commission shall convene at a place fixed by order of the court.

(b) Whenever a motion to dismiss a petition or cross-petition for a recount is filed with the court, the court shall rule on the motion to dismiss before the recount commission conducts the recount. The motion to dismiss must:

(1) state that the petitioner or cross-petitioner has failed to comply with this chapter; and

(2) specifically identify the requirement that the petitioner or cross-petitioner has failed to comply with.

(c) As the first item of business, the recount commission shall adopt procedures for conducting the recount, based as closely as is practical on the procedures adopted by the state recount commission. After adopting these procedures, the recount commission shall expeditiously complete the recount of all votes ordered recounted.

(d) The proceedings of the recount commission shall be performed in public under IC 5-14-1.5 (the Open Door Law). However, the commission may restrict access to parts of a room where the recount is being conducted to safeguard the election material or to permit the material to be handled or transported by the commission. Each candidate affected by the recount may have a watcher present at the recount and may also be present in person. A watcher for a candidate under this subsection has the same rights as a watcher appointed under IC 3-6-8-4. Representatives of the media may also attend the recount and have the same rights as media watchers appointed under IC 3-6-10.

(e) An order issued by the state recount commission under IC 3-12-10 supersedes an order issued by the recount commission appointed under this chapter to the extent that the orders conflict. The state recount commission shall assist a recount commission appointed under this chapter to the extent that the ability of the state recount commission to preserve the integrity of election records or equipment is not hindered.

(f) During the period:

(1) beginning when a recount is ordered under section 14 of this chapter; and

(2) ending when the recount commission certifies the recount results under section 22 of this chapter;

the recount commission may petition the court that acquired jurisdiction over the recount under section 8 of this chapter to rule on questions raised by the recount commission.

[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-27-11.]

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.8. Amended by P.L.3-1987, SEC.380; P.L.3-1993, SEC.213; P.L.3-1997, SEC.360; P.L.176-1999, SEC.97.

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