Oath of Inspector Upon Delivery of Envelope or Bag; Contents

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Sec. 10. Upon delivery of the envelope or bag to the circuit court clerk under section 9 of this chapter, the inspector shall take and subscribe an oath before the clerk stating that the inspector:

(1) closed and sealed the envelope or bag in the presence of the judges and poll clerks;

(2) securely kept the ballots and papers in the envelope or bag;

(3) did not permit any person to open the envelope or bag or to otherwise touch or tamper with the ballots; and

(4) has no knowledge of any other person opening the envelope or bag.

The oath shall be filed in the circuit court clerk's office with other election papers.

[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-25-4 part.]

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.8.

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