Cash Deposit by Cross-Petitioner

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Sec. 11. (a) This section applies if a cross-petition is filed under this chapter.

(b) This subsection applies only to a recount of an election for nomination or election to either of the following:

(1) A legislative office in which, on the face of the election returns, the difference between the number of votes cast for the cross-petitioner and the petitioner with the greatest number of votes is not more than one percent (1%) of the total votes cast for all candidates for the nomination or office.

(2) An office other than a legislative office in which, on the face of the election returns, the difference between the number of votes cast for the cross-petitioner and the petitioner with the greatest number of votes is not more than one percent (1%) of the total votes cast for all candidates for the nomination or office.

The cross-petitioner shall furnish a cash deposit equal to ten dollars ($10) multiplied by the number of precincts that the cross-petitioner seeks to have recounted. The cash deposit shall be deposited in the state recount fund.

(c) This subsection applies only to a recount of an election for nomination or election to either of the following:

(1) A legislative office in which, on the face of the election returns, the difference between the number of votes cast for the cross-petitioner and the petitioner with the greatest number of votes is more than one percent (1%) of the total votes cast for all candidates for the nomination or office.

(2) An office other than a legislative office in which, on the face of the election returns, the difference between the number of votes cast for the cross-petitioner and the petitioner with the greatest number of votes is more than one percent (1%) of the total votes cast for all candidates for the nomination or office.

The cross-petitioner shall furnish a cash deposit equal to ten dollars ($10) multiplied by the number of precincts that the cross-petitioner seeks to have recounted for the first ten (10) precincts recounted. For each precinct in excess of ten (10) the cross-petitioner seeks to have recounted, the cross-petitioner shall furnish an additional cash deposit equal to one hundred dollars ($100) multiplied by the number of precincts in excess of ten (10) that the cross-petitioner seeks to have recounted. The cash deposit shall be deposited in the state recount fund.

(d) If after a recount, it is determined that the cross-petitioner has been nominated or elected, the deposit furnished by the cross-petitioner shall be returned to the cross-petitioner in full.

(e) Any unexpended balance remaining in a deposit after payment of the costs of the recount shall be deposited in the state recount fund.

As added by P.L.7-1986, SEC.19. Amended by P.L.3-1987, SEC.403; P.L.8-1995, SEC.61; P.L.176-1999, SEC.110; P.L.221-2005, SEC.125.

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