Filing of Application Received; Recording of Information in Statewide Voter Registration List

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Sec. 17. Upon receipt of an application for an absentee ballot, a circuit court clerk shall file the application in the clerk's office and record all of the following in the statewide voter registration list maintained under IC 3-7-26.3:

(1) The voter's name.

(2) The date the application is received.

(3) The information provided by the voter under section 5.1(d) of this chapter.

(4) The date the ballot is sent to the voter.

(5) If mailed, the address to which the ballot is sent.

(6) If transmitted by fax, the fax number to which the ballot is faxed.

(7) The date the ballot is marked before the clerk or otherwise received from the voter.

(8) The combined total number of absentee ballots sent by the county to absent uniformed services voters and overseas voters.

(9) The total number of absentee ballots returned by voters described in subdivision (8) in time to be counted.

(10) The total number of absentee ballots described in subdivision (8) that were counted in whole or in part.

(11) Any other information that is necessary or advisable.

[Pre-1986 Recodification Citations: 3-1-22-4 part; 3-1-22-20 part.]

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.126-2002, SEC.54; P.L.198-2005, SEC.6; P.L.96-2012, SEC.3; P.L.121-2012, SEC.3; P.L.13-2013, SEC.3.

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