Absent Uniformed Services Voter or Overseas Voter; Use of Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot Form; Waiver of Confidentiality Not Required

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Sec. 12.5. (a) This section applies to an absent uniformed services voter or overseas voter.

(b) If a voter makes a timely application for and does not receive an absentee ballot from a county election board, the voter may use a federal write-in absentee ballot in the form prescribed by the Federal Voting Assistance Program of the United States Department of Defense and in accordance with the requirements set forth in 52 U.S.C. 20303 to cast a vote by mail, electronic mail, or fax for any of the following:

(1) Any candidate for nomination at a primary election.

(2) Any candidate, political party, or public question on a general election, municipal election, or special election ballot.

(c) The voluntary waiver of confidentiality under section 6(h) of this chapter is not required for a federal write-in absentee ballot.

(d) When a county election board receives a federal write-in absentee ballot, the board shall process the ballot as prescribed by IC 3-11-10-1(b).

As added by P.L.66-2010, SEC.16. Amended by P.L.219-2013, SEC.37; P.L.128-2015, SEC.160.

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