Preservation of Ballot in Election Record; Entry of Information

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Sec. 32. (a) The county election board shall securely paste the one (1) regular ballot that was preserved under section 31 of this chapter in the election record immediately before the provisional ballot placed under subsection (b). The board shall also enter below the ballot the number of ballots:

(1) printed by the board;

(2) delivered to each messenger; and

(3) destroyed by the board.

(b) The county election board shall securely paste the one (1) provisional ballot that was preserved under section 31 of this chapter in the election record immediately after the regular ballot placed in the record under subsection (a) and immediately before the place where the vote is to be recorded. The board shall also enter below the provisional ballot the number of provisional ballots:

(1) printed by the board;

(2) delivered to each messenger; and

(3) destroyed by the board.

[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-23-13 part.]

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.126-2002, SEC.45.

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