Instruction Cards; Contents

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Sec. 23. (a) The cards required by section 22 of this chapter must contain instructions to the voters as to what must be done to:

(1) obtain ballots for voting;

(2) prepare ballots for voting; and

(3) obtain a new ballot in place of one accidentally defaced, mutilated, or spoiled.

(b) The cards must contain, in underlined type, the following:

(1) That it is a crime to violate Indiana election laws.

(2) That the voter should examine the ballot to determine whether the back of the ballot has:

(A) the initials of the poll clerks in ink; or

(B) the printed initials of the poll clerks, in a vote center county using an electronic poll list and a printer separate from the electronic poll list that prints on the back of each ballot card, immediately before the ballot card is delivered to the voter, the printed initials of the poll clerks captured through the electronic signature pad or tablet at the time the poll clerks log into the electronic poll book system.

(3) That the voter should examine the ballot to determine if the ballot has any mark (other than the initials of the poll clerks) before voting.

(4) That the voter should not make any mark on the ballot except a voting mark in the manner provided by IC 3-12-1 because a mark other than a voting mark may void the ballot.

(5) That the voter should return the ballot to the poll clerks and request another ballot if:

(A) the poll clerks' initials have not been properly placed on the ballot;

(B) the ballot has a mark (other than the initials of the poll clerks) before the voter places a voting mark on the ballot; or

(C) the voter has improperly marked the ballot.

(c) The cards must also set out copies of IC 3-14-2-16, IC 3-14-2-17, IC 3-14-3-10, IC 3-14-3-13, IC 3-14-3-15, IC 3-14-3-16, and IC 3-14-4-9.

[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-23-11 part.]

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.3-1987, SEC.217; P.L.55-2014, SEC.2.

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