Packaging of Ballots; Attestation by Circuit Court Clerk; Inspector's Receipt; Packages Not to Be Opened

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Sec. 12. (a) The ballots delivered to the inspector of each precinct under section 11 of this chapter shall be placed in a strong and stout paper envelope or bag, which shall then be tightly closed, fastened securely, and attested by the initials of the circuit court clerk or the clerk's designee in the presence of the inspector or the inspector's representative. The inspector shall sign a receipt for the ballots. The ballot packages may not be opened until:

(1) they have been delivered to the precinct election board to which they are directed; and

(2) the precinct election board is fully organized and ready for the reception of votes.

(b) The provisional ballots delivered to the inspector of each precinct under section 11 of this chapter shall be placed in a strong and stout paper envelope or bag, separate from the bag described in subsection (a), which shall then be tightly closed, fastened securely, and attested by the initials of the circuit court clerk or the clerk's designee in the presence of the inspector or the inspector's representative. The inspector shall sign a receipt for the provisional ballots. The provisional ballot packages may not be opened until:

(1) they have been delivered to the precinct election board to which they are directed; and

(2) the precinct election board is fully organized and ready to receive votes.

[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-23-6 part.]

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.126-2002, SEC.42; P.L.221-2005, SEC.43.

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