General Features and Capabilities of Access Policy; Disclosure; Background Checks

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Sec. 45. (a) The vendor shall disclose the general features and capabilities of the access policy. The generic capabilities should include the following:

(1) Software access controls.

(2) Hardware access controls.

(3) Effective password management.

(4) The protection abilities of a particular operating system.

(5) The general characteristics of supervisory access privileges.

(b) The vendor shall conduct a background check at least once each year on each individual:

(1) employed or contracted by the vendor; and

(2) who has access to the voting system;

to determine if the individual has been convicted of a felony. An individual described by this subsection who has been convicted of a felony may not have access to a voting system in the individual's capacity as an employee or contractor of the vendor.

As added by P.L.3-1997, SEC.332. Amended by P.L.71-2019, SEC.23.

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