Voting System; Accuracy

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Sec. 20. (a) A voting system must be able to record accurately each vote and be able to produce an accurate report of all votes cast.

(b) As used in this subsection, "error rate" refers to the error rate of the voting system in counting ballots (determined by taking into account only those errors that are attributable to the voting system and not attributable to an act of the voter). As required by 52 U.S.C. 21081, a voting system must comply with the error rate standards established under section 4.1.1 of the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines adopted by the United States Election Assistance Commission, as amended on March 31, 2015.

(c) The inclusion of control logic and data processing methods incorporating parity and check-sums (or equivalent error detection and correction methods) must demonstrate that the system has been designed for accuracy.

As added by P.L.3-1997, SEC.332. Amended by P.L.209-2003, SEC.166; P.L.128-2015, SEC.197; P.L.100-2018, SEC.8.

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