Requirements of Voting Systems to Indicate Overvotes

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Sec. 13.7. (a) If a voting system has any of the following functions, the functions must be operable in the voting system's equipment actually in use in a precinct:

(1) The voting system can demonstrate to the voter that the voter has cast votes for too many candidates for an office.

(2) The voting system can demonstrate to the voter that the voter has cast votes both in favor of and in opposition to a public question.

(b) Except as provided in subsection (c), a voting system described in subsection (a) must be able to inform the voter how the voter may correct errors on the voter's ballot.

(c) A voting system is not required to provide the information required by subsection (b) if the information is provided in writing conspicuously on or near the components of the voting system where the voter casts the voter's votes.

As added by P.L.126-2002, SEC.76.

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