Instructional Displays

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Sec. 26.5. (a) Each county election board may make available at convenient places throughout the county ballot card voting systems for the instruction of the voters. The board shall locate the systems at places where people usually assemble, such as shopping centers. The board shall have the systems attended at convenient hours designated by the board by persons able to instruct others in their use. The county chairmen of the major political parties of the state must approve the persons attending the systems under this section.

(b) Each ballot card voting system used for instructional purposes must contain the names of all candidates and a description of all public questions as they will appear on the official sample ballot for the system on election day. However, the system may not be set to record a tally or total.

As added by P.L.3-1987, SEC.310. Amended by P.L.3-1993, SEC.167.

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