Spoiling, Defacing, or Mutilating Ballot; Receipt of Another Ballot; Record; Disposition of Ballot

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Sec. 18. A voter who by accident or mistake spoils, defaces, or mutilates the voter's ballot may, by returning the ballot to the poll clerks or assistant poll clerks and satisfying them that the spoiling, defacing, or mutilation was not intentional, receive another ballot. The poll clerks or assistant poll clerks shall make a record of the fact on the poll list, and the ballot shall then be marked "VOID" by the precinct election board in the presence of the voter and returned with the other election materials as required by IC 3-10-1-31.1.

[Pre-1986 Recodification Citation: 3-1-23-26 part.]

As added by P.L.5-1986, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.3-1987, SEC.288; P.L.14-2004, SEC.130; P.L.193-2021, SEC.49.

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