Applicability; Casting Absentee Ballot at Location or Office After Closing or Deadline

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Sec. 29.2. (a) This section applies to a voter casting an absentee ballot at:

(1) the location of the office of the circuit court clerk designated by the circuit court clerk under IC 3-11-10-26(a)(1);

(2) the office of the board of elections and registration under IC 3-11-10-26(b)(1); or

(3) a satellite office established under IC 3-11-10-26.3.

(b) When the hour for closing the location or office described in subsection (a) or the deadline for voting established by IC 3-11-10-26 occurs, a voter who is:

(1) in the act of voting; or

(2) in line to vote, as determined in subsection (c);

shall be permitted to vote, if otherwise qualified to vote according to law.

(c) At the time described in subsection (b), an individual designated by the circuit court clerk shall:

(1) determine the end of the line of voters who are waiting to vote; and

(2) use one (1) of the following methods to identify the voters in the line who may vote if otherwise qualified to vote according to law:

(A) Write down the name of each voter.

(B) Stamp each voter's hand.

(C) Stand, or designate another individual to stand, immediately behind the last voter who may vote.

As added by P.L.64-2014, SEC.56.

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