Use of Electronic Voting System to Vote by Absentee Ballot; Procedure

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Sec. 26.2. (a) A county election board or board of elections and registration shall comply with IC 3-11-9-6 by providing an electronic voting system or marking device that produces a marked optical scan ballot for voting by absentee ballot in the office of the circuit court clerk, the board of elections and registration, or a satellite office established under section 26.3 of this chapter, by a voter with disabilities or any other qualified absentee voter who wishes to cast an absentee ballot on the electronic voting system.

(b) The county election board or board of elections and registration may adopt a resolution under this section to authorize the circuit court clerk to use an electronic voting system or marking device that produces a marked optical scan ballot for voting by voters eligible to cast an absentee ballot before an absentee board under section 25 of this chapter. A resolution adopted under this section must be adopted by the unanimous vote of the board's entire membership.

(c) A county providing absentee ballot voting under this section must adopt procedures to do the following:

(1) Secure absentee votes cast on an electronic voting system or marking device that produces a marked optical scan ballot that provide protection comparable to the protection provided to absentee votes cast by paper ballot.

(2) Compare the signature on an absentee ballot application (or on an electronic poll book if no application was executed by the voter) with the applicant's signature on the applicant's voter registration record.

(3) Ensure that an invalid ballot (as determined under IC 3-11.5) is not counted.

(4) Specify how a spoiled absentee ballot is to be canceled in the direct record electronic voting system if a voter casts and returns a replacement absentee ballot.

(d) A resolution adopted under this section may contain other provisions to implement this section that the board considers useful and that are not contrary to Indiana or federal law.

(e) If a resolution is adopted under this section, the circuit court clerk may use as many electronic voting machines for recording absentee votes as the clerk considers necessary, subject to the resolution adopted by the board.

(f) Notwithstanding any other law, an absentee ballot voted on an electronic voting system under this section is not required to bear the seal, signature, and initials prescribed by section 27 of this chapter.

(g) If a resolution is adopted under this section, the procedure for casting an absentee ballot on an electronic voting system must, except as provided in this section, be substantially the same as the procedure for casting an absentee ballot in the office of the circuit court clerk under section 26 of this chapter.

As added by P.L.69-2003, SEC.6. Amended by P.L.14-2004, SEC.125; P.L.194-2013, SEC.61; P.L.64-2014, SEC.54; P.L.169-2015, SEC.122; P.L.157-2019, SEC.23; P.L.109-2021, SEC.33.

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